Friday, January 08, 2010


I finally cooked up some Quinoa (pronounced, KEEN-wah) and what a nice surprise!  It cooks just like rice - double the water for the amount of Quinoa.  I replaced the water with Wolfgang Puck's Chicken Stock (it appears to be the safest of the broths available at the store) and I added about a half-a-cup of sliced mushrooms.  It was done in 20-25 minutes and had a nice, mild flavor.  I found it to be too bland, so I added about two teaspoons of "Move Over Butter" to my serving and a little salt.  Perfect!  Tomorrow, I may try it with some wheat-free soy sauce.  Beware of Quinoa pastas at the store.  They usually are made with wheat or corn flour, too!  Regular Quinoa, the grain, is fine.

Making dinner for my family proved to be quite a challenge, today.  I hadn't thawed any meat, so I grabbed a box of frozen Taquitos and a can of chili.  I smothered the Taquitos with the chili, a little cheddar, and some Mexican crumbling cheese, and baked it for an hour.  OH, it smelled so GOOD!  While serving up this poisonous dinner to my family, I took a small bite.  HEAVEN!  I took another small bite.  Would this have tasted this good, before my fructose-free diet?  Corn was my next challenge.  I took the smallest bite and I swear, it was the sweetest corn I've ever tasted in my entire life!  I hope I don't have to pay for those nibbles of naughty food, since I have to be at work by 6am.  At least I can sit here and enjoy my Quinoa.

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